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  • What if my student is absent from school?
    Please email the office at or call 425-844-4550 to report an absence or leave a message at any time. Remember to state the reason for your absence. If your student is ill, please give specific details as the state requires us to report illness symptoms. If you do not report your student's absence to the Carnation office, we will consider the absence unexcused. We do make "safe arrival" calls when we have absent students who have not been reported. Always let the school office know, even if you have let your student's teacher know.
  • Where can I find a Planned Absence Form?
    On our Forms Page! CLICK HERE.
  • How can I stay informed about what's going on at Carnation Elementary?
    We have multiple ways for parents to stay informed! PARENTSQUARE - The Riverview School District utilizes the ParentSquare communication tool for all district and school-specific communications with parents, guardians, and staff. Unlike previous district communication tools, ParentSquare does not require parents/guardians or staff to “opt-in” to receive notifications. By using the email address(es) and phone number(s) you provide to the district, ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each active family and staff member. To access ParentSquare through a desktop computer or PC, you can register an account by visiting ​ To download the free ParentSquare app, visit the App Store (iOS) or Google Play store (Android) today. To learn more about ParentSquare, visit our ParentSquare information page. TIGER TALK - SUBSCRIBE to our Tiger Talk news feed and stay up-to-date on what's happening at Carnation Elementary. ​RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT WEBSITE - CLICK HERE for more information on weather related schedule changes and changes in school operations.​ CARNATION CALENDAR - CLICK HERE to view the Carnation calendar.​ DISTRICT CALENDAR - CLICK HERE to view additional District Calendars.
  • I need to change the bus pick up or drop off location, or the way my student normally goes home from school (i.e. picked up by a different person, walking home with someone else, riding the bus to a different location). Whom do I call?"
    Email or call 425-844-4550. You can also send in a note with your student to give their teacher when they arrive at school. A parent pick up pass or bus pass will be sent to your student by the end of the day Please try to let us know of changes before 3:00pm. For permanent changes in bus transportation, please call the District Transportation Department at 425-844-4540.
  • What if I have changes to information such as a phone number, address, or emergency contacts?"
    Please email or call 425-844-4550 with any changes as soon as possible. Please be sure that the office has your current email address as well.
  • How does Morning Drop-Off work?
    For Morning Drop-Off: Buses unload students in the bus loop located parallel to Highway 203. Parent Drop Off is located on the opposite side of the building from Highway 203. Turn onto E. Morrison from Highway 203 and then left on Spilman Avenue. Drop Off begins at 9:15 a.m. Please stay in your vehicle while our staff opens your car door to unload your student(s). Walkers should enter the school from Spilman Avenue as well and line up along the playground fence until the 9:15 bell rings. Students eating breakfast at school may arrive at 9:00 a.m.
  • How does Afternoon Pick Up work?
    For Afternoon Pick Up: Students riding the bus are loaded in the bus loop. Students walking are released to meet their parent at the playground fence. Students being picked up by parents wait on the sidewalk in the parent pick up lane. Please stay in your car as our staff loads your student(s). Please make sure to display your bright orange name card on your dash or on your rear view mirror.
  • Transportation
    Riverview Transportation is using a new app called Stopfinder. Please click below for more information. Stopfinder | RSD407 TSP The Transportation office can be reached at 425-844-4540.
  • My student has medication needs during the day. What do I need to do?
    All medications, prescriptions and over the counter (including topical creams, cough drops, Tylenol and other various over the counter drugs) must be authorized by a physician using the official district "Medication Authorization" form. CLICK HERE to visit our "Forms" page.
  • What if my student gets sick at school, and when should I keep my student home if they are sick?
    When to keep your child home or when your child might be sent home: ​ Students with a fever of 100° F or higher should stay home for at least 24 hours and not attend school until fever-free for 24 hours, without fever-reducing medications Students with a cough or sore throat, especially with a fever, should stay home from school until at least 24 hours after flu-like symptoms have resolved Vomiting or diarrhea, until symptom free for 24 hours Pink eye, with or without drainage, until treated Body rash ​
  • How does eating lunch in the lunch room work?
    Before entering the cafeteria, students will wash their hands or be given hand sanitizer. Students proceed to the lunch line (if purchasing lunch) or get their lunch from home and have a seat at their class-assigned table. Once seated in their assigned class tables, students enjoy their lunch. A complete lunch offers a choice of several entrees, a selection of fruits and vegetables from the self-serve salad bar, and milk. Lunch cost is $3.50, and breakfast is $2.00. Milk can be purchased A la carte for $0.50 enus are available online and posted in the cafeterias. CLICK HERE for breakfast and lunch menus. Funds to your lunch account can be added through e-Funds or given to the office.
  • Is there snack time?
    Each teacher has their own designated snack time. We encourage sending healthy snacks to school with your child to help them stay focused and energized for learning.
  • How do I apply for Free and Reduced Lunch?
    Depending on your family income and household size, your student may qualify for free or reduced price meals. To apply and for more information, CLICK HERE.
  • Where can I find forms (Planned Absence, Medical Authorization, Registration)?
    We've put all our forms in one place for your convenience. CLICK HERE to view our "Forms" page.
  • Riverview "Family Access""
    Please visit Family Access at this link: Note: You will need your specific username and password to access the site. Please call the main office at 425-844-4550 for username and password assistance.
  • eFunds for School/Online payment option for families
    Riverview offers an exciting program to pay for various school fees online. e-Funds for Schools offers options for parents/guardians who choose to make payments on-line and is extremely user friendly. Not only will you have the ability to have school fees and meal payments electronically withdrawn from your checking account or charged to your credit card, you also have the flexibility to make a payment at any time through the link below. The e-Funds For Schools service is offered by a third party service provider who charges for processing your payment(s), similar to other on-line banking services. The district does not request or keep records of family checking or credit card account information. If you are interested in using eFunds to pay for student fees or lunch payments you will need your student ID # and the four digit Family ID# which is located in Family Access under the "Student Information" tab. You may call the office for that information too at 425-844-4550. CLICK HERE for eFunds.
  • How can I get involved with PTSA?
    Carnation Elementary has a very active PTSA and would love for YOU to get involved. CLICK HERE to learn more about the PTSA.
  • What is the daily schedule?
    Parent drop off and bus arrival is at 9:15. Students may arrive at school at 9:00 if eating breakfast. Students head to the playground until the bell rings at 9:25. Students who eat breakfast at school can go to the playground after eating. If your student arrives after 9:30 am they must check in at the office for a tardy slip. School dismisses at 3:45, except on early release Fridays when it dismisses at 2:15. Occasionally we will have a full day Friday with dismissal at 3:45. CLICK HERE to view District Calendar for Early Release Dates) CLICK HERE for a more detailed Daily Schedule.
  • What do I do if I have to pick my student up early from school?
    To ensure that a child is taken from school only by an authorized person, a note from home must be presented to his/her teacher or a phone call made to the office before the child is released. All notes then go to the office. When the parent/guardian arrives to pick up their child they will sign them out and the office staff will call the student down to the office. No one is to leave the school grounds without permission.
  • Besides a backpack, what does my student need to bring with them to school?
    Please send students with: backpack headphones/ear buds (non-bluetooth) a water bottle a lunch (if bringing from home) an extra change of clothing (for grades K-2)
  • What is the process for sending notes or money to school?
    Students should give all notes and money to the teacher in the morning. Money should be in a Ziploc bag or envelope with the student's name and teacher's name on it. Teachers then send all notes, bus pass requests, and money to the office to be processed.
  • Where can I find lost and found items?
    Lost and found is located in the MPR hallway. Small items such as jewelry, toys, electronic items, etc. are kept in the office. Please write your child's name in coats and hats, lunch boxes, etc. so that they can be returned to their owners.
  • I have an incoming kindergartner. Where can I find information about kindergarten?
    We have a special web page devoted to our kindergartners. It includes links to the registration packet, important dates, and other registration information. CLICK HERE to learn more about kindergarten at Carnation.
  • Emergency Closures
    Conditions, such as snow, ice, power outages, windstorms, and floods may make it necessary to temporarily alter the operation of schools and/or school buses in the Riverview School District. For the latest closure information for the Riverview School District, visit the district website HERE. Parents can also sign up for automatic Flash Alerts through email and SchoolMessenger Text Alerts. CLICK HERE for more information on these services and how to sign up.
  • Where can I find information about before/after school care for my child(ren)?
    Carnation has an Extended Day program that provides care for students before and after school. CLICK HERE for more information about our Extended Day program.
  • I'd like to volunteer at Carnation. What do I need to do?
    We enjoy having visitors and volunteers in our schools and invite parents to be actively involved in our classrooms. Carnation depends on volunteers and values their contributions. We care about the safety of staff and children, so all prospective volunteers must apply and be approved by the Riverview School District before they can begin volunteering in the building. CLICK HERE to learn more about how to become an approved volunteer.
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Carnation Elementary | 4950 Tolt Ave, Carnation, WA 98014 | Phone: 425.844.4550 | © 2022 Riverview School District

The Riverview School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees are designated to handle inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures:

Civil Rights and Title IX/RCW 28A.640 Officer, Donna Reier (425.844.4510 | and
Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Jolene Barrett (425.844.4515 or, located at 15510 – 1st Ave. NE, P.O. Box 519, Duvall, WA 98019.

The Riverview School District provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment.

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